Racerback Tank Black

Struggling to choose between the perfect sports tank to exercise in, and your nursing tops for breastfeeding? Now there's no need to compromise.
This awesome racerback nursing tank offers you everything you want from a workout top, with the added convenience of clip-down straps for quick, easy and discreet breastfeeding.
The sporty design, available in a range of colours, features a slim-fit elasticated upper, while the lower section is a breathable mesh fabric to help keep you cool during exercise. Team this racerback nursing tank with one of our breastfeeding sports bras.
You can also wear this tank with our nursing hoodies and still enjoy effortless breastfeeding, even with three layers on.
Fabric: Upper: nylon/spandex - Lower: breathable mesh
$12 NZPost E-Parcel Service (3-6 business days after dispatch*)
$25 DHL Express (1-5 business days after dispatch*)
Estimated DISPATCH times: Same day or next business day (Monday – Friday excluding public holidays). Unless your order is a pre-order, (see item description for dispatch date).
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